Fulton County Jury Finds Archbold Man Guilty

It took four days of trial, but on Thurs­day it was all over for an Arch­bold man who was found guilty yes­ter­day in Ful­ton County Court, of invol­un­tary manslaugh­ter and domes­tic vio­lence. The ver­dicts were returned by the jury against Romualdo Cor­doba Jr after about four hours of delib­er­a­tion.
Cor­doba was on trial for the shoot­ing death of 27 year old Joshua McJil­ton on April 25th, when McJil­ton was shot twice behind DB Bil­liards in Wauseon. The domes­tic vio­lence charge came about fol­low­ing an inci­dent between Cor­doba and his wife, Melinda, when he approached her vehi­cle while wield­ing a pis­tol as she was leav­ing the park­ing lot behind the bar. A num­ber of shots were fired, includ­ing two that hit McJil­ton, fatally wound­ing him. Fol­low­ing yesterday’s guilty ver­dict, Judge James Bar­ber ordered a pre-sentence inves­ti­ga­tion. So far, a sen­tenc­ing date has not been set.

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