Active Meth Lab Discovered

Ash­ley police found an alleged active metham­phet­a­mine lab and mul­ti­ple pre­cur­sors in a vehi­cle they pur­sued late Wednes­day after­noon. Police tried to stop a vehi­cle for traf­fic vio­la­tions on North Wabash Avenue, but the car tried to flee from police and came to a stop at a home in the 200 block of Hardy Street in Hud­son where 29-year-old James D. Lip­scomb of Kendal­lville was arrested. Steuben County Pros­e­cu­tors have filed four felony counts against Lip­scomb includ­ing a Level Five felony for Deal­ing in Metham­phet­a­mine. They also filed Level Six felonies for Pos­ses­sion of Chem­i­cal Reagents or Pre­cur­sors, Pos­ses­sion of Meth and Resist­ing Law Enforce­ment. He was jailed, and bond was set at $25,000 with 10 per­cent allowed.

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