The State High­way Patrol and ODOT both say that dri­vers did a pretty good job obey­ing the requests to stay off the roads after the recent win­ter storm dumped any­where from nine to 14 inches in our region and emer­gency per­son­nel issued level 3 advi­sories to keep indi­vid­u­als off the road under penalty of law.

Offi­cials with county garages and the Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion (ODOT) said that with peo­ple off the road­ways their jobs are eas­ier and a lot safer.

ODOT crews still had some prob­lems, such as a few plow trucks going off the roads and need­ing to be pulled out.

They say over­all, every­thing worked out quite well con­sid­er­ing the arc­tic con­di­tions that every­one was deal­ing with.

Mean­while, the clean up and repairs con­tinue as the tem­per­a­tures rebound.

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