Alert86 message doesn’t get everywhere it was supposed to

A BOLO alert, “Be on the Look­out”, was sent to Stryker and Spring­field Town­ship res­i­dents though the county’s Alert86 instant mes­sag­ing sys­tem. Many of the mes­sages got through, but oth­ers didn’t. Accord­ing to the direc­tor of the Williams County Emer­gency Man­age­ment Agency Dawn Bald­win, the record­ing went to land­lines but not cell phones with texts or emails. The mes­sage said that author­i­ties are search­ing for a man who was con­sid­ered dan­ger­ous and gave a descrip­tion, telling peo­ple to call 911 if he’s seen. They have not dis­closed why they were look­ing for the man. Bald­win says they are try­ing to work out the kinks in this new system.

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