School grade card topic of discussion in Defiance

Defi­ance City Schools super­in­ten­dent Mike Stru­ble held a sec­ond com­mu­nity pre­sen­ta­tion at Defi­ance Com­mu­nity Audi­to­rium. The topic was edu­ca­tion. Stru­ble went over pre­lim­i­nary results of the state report card, the finan­cial sta­tus of the dis­trict and the progress of construction.
Prin­ci­pals have received only pre­lim­i­nary results for the 2014–15 school year, Stru­ble told the small crowd, because while the state report cards used to come out in late sum­mer, due to low staffing at the state level, the 2014–15 results will be released in two parts, in Jan­u­ary and February.
Stru­ble has iden­ti­fied areas that need improve­ment and look­ing for­ward to the new information.

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