Amazon to build wind farm in Paulding Co.

Ama­zon is mov­ing for­ward with plans to build a wind farm in Put­nam County, to make elec­tric­ity that will power their com­pany in Ohio. The plan to build 48 new wind tur­bines is slated to begin this spring, and all are expected to be oper­at­ing by early next year. The Bryan Times is report­ing that the wind farm will gen­er­ate over a half mil­lion dol­lars a year for Pauld­ing County, Har­ri­son and Ben­ton town­ships. Jobs will come with the wind tur­bines, for local con­trac­tors, truck­ing, con­crete and related fields. Ama­zon is plan­ning an 800,000 square foot dis­tri­b­u­tion in Etna Town­ship, and a 1 mil­lion square-foot ful­full­ment cen­ter in Obetz.

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