Where fires are most likely to occur

If you’re going to have a fire in your home, it’s most likely going to come from unat­tended cook­ing. That’s the word from recent analy­sis of fire deaths and injuries in Ohio. Bryan Assis­tant Fire Chief Dou­glas Pool told the Bryan Times there’s a sec­ond com­mon cause of fires. Elec­tri­cal fires stem­ming from main­te­nance issues related to appli­ances and over­load­ing. Know­ing that, the depart­ment urges every­one to have and check your home or apartment’s smoke detec­tors, and have nec­es­sary repairs done by a licensed pro­fes­sional. The best news com­ing from the report is that there have been no fatal fires in Bryan or Mont­pe­lier in the last two years.

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