A man was found guilty of grand theft on Tues­day related to the 2011 sus­pen­sion of the Arch­bold Elevator’s license.

The Ful­ton County Pros­e­cut­ing Attor­ney reports that William Fricke of Wauseon plead no con­test to the charge in Ful­ton County Com­mon Pleas Court.

Fricke also pled guilty to a num­ber of other charges.

Judge James Bar­ber ordered a pre-sentence inves­ti­ga­tion before a sen­tenc­ing date is set.

Fricke was indicted three months ago, along with two other for­mer Arch­bold Ele­va­tor offi­cials, Steven Brink of Arch­bold and Todd J. Gerig of West Unity.

The Bryan Times says the cases against Brink and Gerig are pend­ing in Ful­ton County Com­mon Pleas Court.

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