Pioneer’s annual sum­mer fes­ti­val, this year named Pio­neer Ger­man­fest, returns this week­end.

The Fes­ti­val will kick off at 5 p.m. Fri­day with a hog roast at the Pio­neer Fire Depart­ment and the fun lasts all week­end.

The Happy Times Polka Band will per­form and there will be a beer tent and a Texas hold ‘em tour­na­ment at the Pio­neer Amer­i­can Legion.

Sat­ur­day there will be a pan­cake break­fast and then a parade step­ping off at 11am.

You won’t want to miss the clas­sic car show and all the great tra­di­tional fes­ti­val food.

There will even be a movie on a 16-foot blow up screen, along with live music and a beer tent downtown.

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