Here’s an update on a story we brought you Mon­day.

A 57-year-old woman has now been charged with attempted aggra­vated mur­der.

On Mon­day morn­ing, law enforce­ment offi­cers were called out to reports of a shoot­ing at a home between Delta and Lib­erty Cen­ter after a 15 year old boy was flown to a hos­pi­tal in Toledo with injuries.

Now, 57 year old Can­dis Sher­man of 1263 Ohio 109 has been charged with attempted aggra­vated mur­der.

Sher­man was taken to the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio in Stryker where she remains.

Other details, includ­ing the name of the fif­teen year old, have not been released.

Sher­man will be arraigned today in Ful­ton County Court.

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