Auburn Officers Face Discipline

A com­mit­tee is look­ing into thefts from the Auburn Police Depart­ment evi­dence room, and has now rec­om­mended dis­ci­pline for two Auburn offi­cers. The Auburn Police Depart­ment Dis­ci­pli­nary Com­mit­tee met for over 12 hours, and poured over all the evi­dence and infor­ma­tion. Now, that com­mit­tee has rec­om­mended dis­ci­pline against two offi­cers for vio­lat­ing inter­nal Stan­dard Oper­at­ing Pro­ce­dures. The com­mit­tee rec­om­men­da­tions will now go in front of the Auburn Board of Pub­lic Works and Safety dur­ing their August 27th meet­ing for review and final dis­po­si­tion. So far, the names of the offi­cers involved have not been released.

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