Bah Humbug Says Lenawee Commissioner

One sher­iff in Michi­gan sent out Christ­mas cards last hol­i­day sea­son, and now he is defend­ing the use of pub­lic money used to do it.

Lenawee County Sher­iff Jack Walsh sent Christ­mas cards to employ­ees, vol­un­teers and other law enforce­ment agen­cies last Decem­ber. County com­mis­sion­ers at the time approved the $330 bill to buy and send the cards, but now one com­mis­sioner says he’s opposed to doing it again.

Lenawee County Com­mis­sioner Cle­tus Smith told the Daily Telegram in Adrian that send­ing the cards, in his opin­ion, serve no pub­lic pur­pose.

The sher­iff main­tains that send­ing the cards boosts morale in his depart­ment and are mean­ing­ful to oth­ers who receive them. Sher­iff Walsh believes crit­i­cism from Smith sim­ply is sour grapes after he lost a 2008 election.

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