Fire Companies Plead: Please Keep Hydrants Clear!!

There’s a lot of snow out there in case you haven’t looked recently. Unfor­tu­nately, we’ve also had a higher than nor­mal num­ber of house fires here in North­west Ohio so far this win­ter.

Both are prob­lem­atic, but one we can do some­thing about.

Fire­fight­ers say be extra cau­tious with any­thing flam­ma­ble around the house, such as old ashes from the fur­nace or fire­place. Also, don’t use exten­sion cords on elec­tric heaters, and don’t over­load elec­tri­cal cir­cuits.

Finally, if there is a fire, it’s impor­tant that fire­fight­ers can get to water quickly. They’re ask­ing home­own­ers to clear the snow away from any fire hydrants on or near your prop­erty. Find­ing those hydrants quickly in an emer­gency can mean the dif­fer­ence between sav­ing your home or los­ing your home.

Offi­cials say it only takes a few min­utes, and the time spent could make a big dif­fer­ence in the event of an emergency.

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