Bean Days is tak­ing place in Mont­pe­lier.

The annual event will include a garage sale today from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. , model train exhibits, food such as hot apple dumplings, ice cream, a fish fry, and of course free beans, along with live enter­tain­ment.

The Mont­pe­lier Rotary pan­cake and sausage break­fast is Sat­ur­day at 7 a.m. at the fire sta­tion and The Mont­pe­lier Fire­fight­ers Asso­ci­a­tion is spon­sor­ing a 5K run/walk and 1-mile kids fun run.

A car and dog wash will even be a part of the fes­tiv­i­ties.

Of cours, the main event is the parade, fol­lowed by the street dance.

It’s fun for the entire fam­ily all week­end at Bean Days in Montpelier.

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