Ohio High­way Patrol troop­ers seized 907 pounds of mar­i­juana, worth over Four Mil­lion Dol­lars along with $13,908 in cash they believe was pro­ceeds from drug sales dur­ing two traf­fic stops Wednes­day in Wood County.

A trooper on the Ohio Turn­pike saw a Sub­aru Out­back fol­low­ing too closely behind a motorhome, which was in-turn fol­low­ing the vehi­cle in front of it too closely. The trooper stopped the Sub­aru and noticed the odor of raw mar­i­juana. He also saw mar­i­juana on the driver’s pants. A prob­a­ble cause search of the vehi­cle turned up $9,720 in bun­dles of cash.

Troop­ers then learned that the Sub­aru and the motorhome were trav­el­ing together. They found the motorhome in a ser­vice plaza and searched it after also smelling mar­i­juana there. That search turned up 907 pounds of pot and another $4,188 in cash.

One man, who cops found out was a known drug vio­la­tor from Rochester, New York, fled the motorhome with his 7 year old son. He is said to be turn­ing him­self in later today.

Frankie Layz and William Luciano JR of Rochester, along with Jimmy Pross JR of Char­lotte, NC; Justin Gould of Rochester; and Jose Man­zanares of Hous­ton, Texas were all arrested and locked up in the Wood County Jail on felony drug charges.

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