Benefit Concert Saturday

The Bryan Amvets Post 54 will be pre­sent­ing Wounded War­rior Ben­e­fit Con­cert this Sat­ur­day from 8 p.m. until mid­night at the post.

There will be live per­for­mances by local musi­cians: Earl P and Fam­ily Tree, Doug Stayner, Brian King, Jeff Mont­gomery, Dude McDon­ald, Aaron Mar­tinez, Debra Keller, Tommy Schilt and many more.

It will fea­ture the release of Dana Dancer’s first stu­dio pro­duced CD “Real­iz­ing a Dream.“

Also, there will be apple pie spir­its and home­made Texas salsa.

All pro­ceeds from dona­tions will go to Wounded War­riors Project, an orga­ni­za­tion that aids injured Amer­i­can soldiers.

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