A man charged with 14 felony counts of sex­ual abuse involv­ing under­age girls pleaded not guilty Wednes­day in Williams County Court.

40 year old Daniel Bignell, Jr of Mont­pe­lier has been held in CCNO since his indict­ment on Sep­tem­ber 17th.

Charges against Bignell include four counts of gross sex­ual impo­si­tion, five counts of rape, two counts of attempted rape and three counts of kid­nap­ping. The inci­dents included, accord­ing to police, three young female vic­tims and occured between 1999 and 2010.

If con­victed on the more seri­ous charges, Bignell faces a max­i­mum sen­tence of life in prison.

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