A woman from Sher­wood was crit­i­cally injured Tues­day after­noon in a one-vehicle crash.

19 year old Mal­lory Hugg, was north­bound on Ohio 49 in Mil­ford Town­ship when her vehi­cle left the road­way, then rolled sev­eral times into a corn­field, throw­ing Hugg from the car. Ohio High­way Patrol troop­ers reported she was not wear­ing a safety belt.

Hugg’s pas­sen­ger, 16 year old Cain Per­son of Edger­ton, who was wear­ing a belt, was taken to Hicksville’s Com­mu­nity Memo­r­ial Hos­pi­tal with minor injuries.

Hugg was taken to the Fort Wayne hos­pi­tal by Promed­ica Life­Flight.

The crash remains under investigation.

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