Bitten By Bulldogs

The Ful­ton County Sheriff’s office is report­ing a dog attack ear­lier this week.

Accord­ing to the press release, a 59-year-old woman was attacked by two bull­dogs as she entered her neighbor’s house on County Road D. when the neigh­bor wasn’t home.

The two dogs attacked the woman, severely bit­ing her about the face, neck, legs and arms.

She was able to even­tu­ally break free and get back home, where her hus­band imme­di­ately called 911. Deputies, along with the Ful­ton County Dog War­den and Swan­ton Res­cue all responded.

The woman was taken to a Toledo area hos­pi­tal with mul­ti­ple dog bite wounds. Her name is not being released, and the whole thing is being inves­ti­gated by the Ful­ton County Sheriff’s Office and Ful­ton County Dog War­den.

So far, no charges have been filed.

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