Bomb Threat At Local School

Very few offi­cial details are being released so far today, but accord­ing to a press release issued by the school dis­tirct, a bomb threat was declared just after noon yes­ter­day at the Edon North­west Local schools.

The school reports that safety pro­to­cols were fol­lowed accord­ing to the pro­ce­dure man­ual, and the stu­dents were all safely evac­u­ated from the school build­ing.

Par­ents were noti­fied of the early release and pro­ce­dures out­lin­ing parent-child reuni­fi­ca­tion were also put into place by school offi­cials.

No other details are avail­able. No one was hurt, and there was no explo­sion. That bomb threat Wednes­day at Edon North­west is under inves­ti­ga­tion today by the Edon Police and other law enforce­ment agencies.

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