Blocking Trains Maddening Residents

Some res­i­dents of Defi­ance and Henry Coun­ties are upset over trains block­ing cross­ings along the CSX rail line which passes through Hicksville, Sher­wood Hol­gate, Ham­ler and Desh­ler.

The Cres­cent News reports that those affected say the block­ings have resulted in many peo­ple hav­ing to travel miles out of their way to get around them or, in some cases, becom­ing stranded for hours.

In some cases, as many as 25 trains have been wait­ing to move at a time.

What is caus­ing the trains to back up is unknown but some dri­vers have been stranded for hours because of it.

Some towns are talk­ing about fin­ing the rail­road, but they were pretty much told that fin­ing a com­pany a cou­ple hun­dred dol­lars, when the com­pany… CSX, is worth bil­lions of dol­lars isn’t going to make a lot of difference.

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