Highway Funding Listed

The gov­er­nor offi­cially kicked off what is being billed as the most ambi­tious plan ever for the state’s road con­struc­tion sea­son Wednes­day after­noon.

The governor’s Jobs and Trans­portaion Plan will use $2.5 bil­lion from Ohio Turn­pike bond rev­enue to fund major con­struc­tion projects all over the state.

Locally, Williams County will not see much of it thouth. Some big projects are planned for some major met­ro­pol­i­tan areas in Ohio, such as Toledo and Cleve­land along with Day­ton and Cincin­nati.

Williams County Com­mis­sioner Brian Davis, one of the mem­bers of the state’s Trans­porta­tion Review Advi­sory Coun­cil, told the Bryan Times Thurs­day morn­ing, that a major project is defined as one involv­ing $12 mil­lion or more, and Williams County just doesn’t have any $12 mil­lion road con­struc­tion projects, nor will it any­time soon.

Any­thing less than $12 mil­lion doesn’t qual­ify for Turn­pike bond rev­enue funding.

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