The deep freeze is back, and fore­cast­ers now say it’s going to stick around for a few days.

A giant arc­tic air mass has descended from Canada, and accord­ing to the National Weather Ser­vice, the wind chill will go to 40 below zero in our area by Wednes­day.

If we can just hold on through today and tomor­row though, relief is on the way. Fore­cast­ers say that by Thurs­day after­noon, tem­per­a­tures should rebound back up into the mid to upper 20’s.

Fore­cast­ers say that while the tem­per­a­tures have indeed been extreme this win­ter, they seem worse than they really are because we have got­ten used to some rel­a­tively mild win­ters over the past sev­eral years.

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