A court date has finally been set in a fraud case involv­ing some area res­i­dents.

The Bryan Times is report­ing that the case against David and Nancy Jo Frazer of Bryan and Albert Rose­brock of Sher­wood will be headed to trial in Sep­tem­ber.

Last sum­mer the Ohio Attor­ney General’s office filed suit against the Fraz­ers and Rose­brock con­cern­ing their alleged involve­ment in Defin­ing Vision Min­istries, for­merly known as Focus Up Min­istries Inc., and Prof­itable Sun­rise, which the AG’s office says was part of an inter­na­tional pyra­mid scheme, that defrauded investors out of mil­lions of dol­lars. The oper­a­tion was even­tu­ally shut down by fed­eral and inter­na­tional author­i­ties.

The three are accused of using funds donated to Focus Up Min­istries for unlaw­ful pur­poses includ­ing per­sonal busi­ness ven­tures, a big-screen TV, no-interest per­sonal loans and com­pen­sa­tion of agents who solicited on behalf of the alleged scheme.

Now, a final pre­trial con­fer­ence has been set for 1 p.m. Sept. 4.

The trial is slated to get under­way Sept. 15 at 9 a.m. in Williams County Com­mon Pleas Court.

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