A Bryan man is in jail fol­low­ing his arrest over the week­end. Bryan police say 53 year old Ray Ridg­way of Hamil­ton Street was arrested Sat­ur­day evening around 6:30pm and charged with dis­or­derly con­duct after police had already warned him. Ridg­way was locked up in CCNO.

Bryan Police also say 21 year old Xzaiver Hardi­man of South Main Street in Bryan was served with a war­rant for charges of fal­si­fi­ca­tion. Hardi­man was arrested and placed in jail.

On Fri­day, at 7:45 PM, 37 year old Mark Gigax, Jr of S. Main St., Bryan, was arrested for Shoplift­ing. He was released.

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