A Fri­day evening two-vehicle crash in Pauld­ing County left three peo­ple with injuries.

Accord­ing to the High­way Patrol, the crash occurred at approx­i­mately 8:16 p.m., at the inter­sec­tion of Pauld­ing County Road 140 and Town­ship Road 191 in Brown Town­ship when a south­bound vehi­cle dri­ven by 30 year old Kacy Brown failed to stop at a stop sign and was rammed by a vehi­cle dri­ven by 28 year old Ben­jamin Decker of Defi­ance.

Wag­ner was taken by air ambu­lance to Parkview Hos­pi­tal in Fort Wayne. Decker was treated and released at Mercy Defi­ance Hos­pi­tal. Wagner’s pas­sen­ger, 30 year old Brett Wag­ner sus­tained minor injuries and was treated at the scene.

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