Bryan Board Of Education Meets

As sched­uled, the Bryan City Board of Edu­ca­tion met in spe­cial ses­sion Wednes­day morn­ing to final­ize some per­son­nel issues prior to the start of the new school year.

At yesterday’s meet­ing, sev­eral limited-one year con­tracts were approved for sev­eral teach­ers.

Megan Lytle was brought on board as a high school spe­cial edu­ca­tion teacher, and Joe Tucker was approved as kinder­garten inter­ven­tion instruc­tor.

In other action at yesterday’s school board meet­ing, Josh Mont­gomery was trans­ferred to a high school inter­ven­tion teacher posi­tion, and Julie Har­ris will now be a preschool aide.

There were appoint­ments of teach­ers men­tors… Matt Kaullen and Joyce Golz; and some bus dri­vers were also named… Jeff Pan­ico and Dan Hissong.

There were also some res­ig­na­tions… Amy Baden stepped down from her posi­tion as kinder­garten inter­ven­tion teacher and Tonya Bock­over resigned from the posi­tion of bus dri­ver and aide.

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