Bryan Discusses Amtrak Station

Bryan City Coun­cil met on Mon­day, and accord­ing to the Bryan Times, city offi­cials expressed hope that some­one might develop the Amtrak sta­tion at Paige and Lynn streets. In fact, the news­pa­per reports that Bryan Mayor Doug John­son spoke with Amtrak offi­cials about the sta­tion just last week.

In the past, Amtrak had indi­cated a desire to build a new sta­tion, but it lacks the money nec­es­sary to pull it off after hav­ing to make all their sta­tions ADA com­pli­ant.

Accord­ing to Amtrak, a new build­ing would cost around $1 mil­lion. City Coun­cil dis­agreed, say­ing a more mod­est sta­tion could be built for about $200,000 or less.

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