Fulton County Truck Crash Fatal For North Carolina Driver

The Ohio High­way Patrol is con­tin­u­ing to inves­ti­gate a crash that took the life of a truck dri­ver from North Car­olina on the Ohip Turn­pike Mon­day morn­ing.

It hap­pened in Ful­ton County when a trac­tor trailer dri­ven by 56 year old Anthony Lilly of Clare­mont, North Car­olina flipped while on the west­bound Ohio 66 exit ramp near Arch­bold. After rolling over, the semi came to rest in the ditch.

State Troop­ers say Lilly was not wear­ing a seat belt, and he was pro­nounced dead at the scene.

The Ohio Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency was called in because of a pos­si­ble diesel fuel spill, and the exit ramp and sur­round­ing road was shut down for about an hour while crews cleaned up the mess.

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