Bryan House Fire Investigated

Flames dam­aged a Bryan home on Sun­day to the tune of about $80,000.

The call came in just after 5 Sun­day after­noon when some­one pass­ing by the house on County Road 15 noticed smoke com­ing from the attic.

Fire­fight­ers report that strong winds on Sun­day made the fire dif­fi­cult to fight, but it was finally under con­trol by around 8 that night.

Heavy dam­age was reported to the kitchen and liv­ing rooms, along with smoke and water dam­age through­out the rest of the house.

No one was home when the fire started, appar­ently in the attic accord­ing to inves­ti­ga­tors.

No one got hurt, and the fam­ily liv­ing there has been pro­vided with tem­po­rary hous­ing.

The inves­ti­ga­tion into that Sun­day fire in Bryan is con­tin­u­ing today.

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