Bryan PD Report

Bryan Police on Sat­ur­day, arrested 21 year old Jonathon Hig­bee of Bryan on a bench war­rant out of Bryan Munic­i­pal Court for fail­ing to appear. The orig­i­nal charge against Hig­bee was pass­ing bad checks. He was taken to CCNO, where he was locked up to guar­an­tee that he will appear in court the next time.

On Sun­day, police report eh arrest of 27 year old Joseph Reid Jr of Bryan, who turned him­self in on a felony war­rant out of Defi­ance Court of Com­mon Pleas. The war­rant stated Reid vio­lated his com­mu­nity con­trol. He was taken to CCNO, where he too was placed behind bars.

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