Bryan Police report the arrest of a man from Bryan for shoplift­ing. 18 year old Nicholas Layne was arrested and charged on Fri­day.

On Sat­ur­day, Bryan Police picked up 24 year old Sarah Suarez of Arch­bold. Suarez was charged with OVI and fail­ing to drive in marked lanes.

Also on Sat­ur­day, around 3am, 48 year old Anthony House of Mont­pe­lier was picked up for OVI.

And on Sat­ur­day morn­ing just before noon, Bryan Police nabbed 38 year old Juan Ortiz of Bryan on two bench war­rants out of Bryan Munic­i­pal Court. The orig­i­nal charge was fail­ing to file city income taxes. Ortiz was taken to CCNO.

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