Offi­cials with The Napoleon, Defi­ance & West­ern Rail­way announced on Fri­day, that the rail­road has received nearly $1.5 mil­lion from the Ohio Rail com­mis­sion to put in new ties that will allow the CSX line in Defi­ance to con­nect to the Nor­folk & South­ern line in Wood­burn, Indi­ana.

The goal is to have the con­nec­tion to the Nor­folk and South­ern inter­change up by the end of the year.

Local offi­cials say the new con­nec­tion will be a valu­able eco­nomic resource for all of North­west Ohio, mak­ing pric­ing and trans­porta­tion costs very com­pet­i­tive in and around Defi­ance and Napoleon.

Accord­ing to the Ohio Rail Devel­op­ment Com­mis­sion, the rail­road was awarded a $450,000 grant and a $1 mil­lion loan.

The terms include a five-year loan with 0 per­cent inter­est the first year and 2/3 of prime inter­est the rest of the term of the loan.

Here’s some trivia… There are 2,600 ties to a mile. Each new tie costs $100.

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