For the third year in a row, Bryan got an Auditor of State award from State Auditor Dave Yost for having a perfect audit.
According to The Bryan Times, Yost’s office says that in order to be considered a “clean” audit, the audit must be filed timely with the state auditor’s office in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; cannot contain any findings for recovery, material citations, material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, single audit findings or questioned costs.
Officials say the details behind an audit affect every area of the city, all departments, every purchase order, every payroll check, everything is reviewed by the auditors, who have access to every paper and electronic file in the clerk-treasurer’s office. They also review every contract; the minutes from all meetings of city council and board of public affairs as well as resolutions and ordinances.
In Bryan’s case, everything was perfect according to the auditors.