The Williams County Walk to End Alzheimer’s will be held on Sept. 14 at the Bryan Recre­ation Park at 3 p.m., with reg­is­tra­tion start­ing at 2 p.m.

There will be lots of activ­i­ties includ­ing face paint­ing, DJ, mem­ory gar­den and gift bas­ket raf­fles. Orga­niz­ers will also be pro­vid­ing free water and walk­ing tacos fol­low­ing the walk.

Par­tic­i­pants will have options of doing a 3/4-mile walk or a 3-mile walk.

If you’d like more infor­ma­tion on form­ing a team, walk­ing, spon­sor­ing or mak­ing a dona­tion, visit www.alz.org/walk or con­tact Linda Earle at 419–553-0800.

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