It’s all new… from the ground up.

The Bryan City Schools’ new mas­ter facil­i­ties plan is call­ing for a totally dif­fer­ent approach to the district’s build­ing needs, includ­ing a new school for grades 6 to 12 at the cur­rent mid­dle school site, and ren­o­vat­ing the exist­ing mid­dle school.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the plan calls for the elim­i­na­tion of the cur­rent high school, Wash­ing­ton ele­men­tary, and the Lin­coln ele­men­tary. The Cen­tral build­ing and its audi­to­rium would remain.

The new facil­i­ties plan calls for the con­sol­i­da­tion of stu­dents and ser­vices in two build­ings at one site, as opposed to the cur­rent con­fig­u­ra­tion of five build­ings in sep­a­rate loca­tions.

The state could pro­vide fund­ing of around 35 per­cent of the costs for a project built strictly to state stan­dards.

In the end, the district’s vot­ers will have the final say.

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