The Bryan City Schools facil­i­ties plan will go before the vot­ers this fall if the state comes up with it’s por­tion of the costs.

Last night, the school board voted to place a 7.45-mill, 28-year bond issue on the Nov. 5 bal­lot. Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, it rep­re­sents match­ing local funds to con­sol­i­date the district’s stu­dents at the cur­rent Bryan Mid­dle School site.

Monday’s vote is to have the mill­age cer­ti­fied by the county audi­tor. The next step is a vote planned at the July 15 meet­ing to pro­ceed with plac­ing the issue before the vot­ers in Novem­ber.

Not all the local share of the new facil­i­ties pro­posal will be in the form of new taxes. The board is look­ing at a one-time con­tri­bu­tion of $2.75 mil­lion from the district’s per­ma­nent improve­ment fund, with another $3 mil­lion to be bor­rowed from future con­tri­bu­tions to that fund, which brings down the bond issue total.

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