Bryan Water Deemed Safe

As news reports over the week­end told about Toledo and sur­round­ing areas deal­ing with a water cri­sis, our water here in Williams County is report­edly safe.

The Bryan Times is report­ing that no com­mu­ni­ties in Williams County were affected by the advi­sory issued by the city of Toledo. How­ever, as of Sun­day after­noon, although some water remained on the shelves at the Bryan Wal­mart, water sup­plies were report­edly lim­ited and there was a sign posted, telling cus­tomers that water in both indi­vid­ual bot­tle and gal­lon jugs may be scarce due to the advi­sory in Toledo.

Much of the bot­tled water was wiped out at the Chief Super­mar­ket in Bryan as well.

In Bryan, the water should remain safe. The city’s munic­i­pal water sup­ply orig­i­nates from sev­eral arti­san wells, and the Bryan water depart­ment also has 1.4 million-gallons safely stored away… just in case.

Mean­while, the affected water in the Toledo area came from Lake Erie. That water tested above the con­sump­tion stan­dard for a poten­tially toxic organic sub­stance, which offi­cials say is pos­si­bly due to the pres­ence of algae on Lake Erie.

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