It was a busy Mon­day for Bryan fire­fight­ers.

First, just after 7:30am, they rushed to a call con­cern­ing oil con­t­a­m­i­na­tion at the con­flu­ence of Lynn Run, Pigeon Run and Ditch 40 Mon­day morn­ing.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, oil got into the storm sewer and then spilled out into the water.

Booms were laid to con­tain the spill and absorb the oil.

The Ohio Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency also responde.

Then, about an hour later, fire­fight­ers were called to an alarm at Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tals and Well­ness Cen­ter in Bryan about some smoke in the ele­va­tor con­trol room. Due to a short­age of per­sonel who were still on the scene of the oil spill, fire­fight­ers from nearby Mont­pe­lier, Edger­ton, and Brady Town­ship were called, but they were turned back while enroute.

Appar­ently, the smoke was caused by a seized pump and a burned belt.

No patients were affected.

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