Career Center Cosmetology Salon To Open To The Public

Accord­ing to infor­ma­tion obtained from Four County Career Cen­ter, the Cos­me­tol­ogy Salon will open to the pub­lic on Octo­ber 2.

Clinic hours this year are 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Thurs­day and Fri­day. Walk-ins and appoint­ments are accepted, how­ever no appoint­ments or cus­tomers will be accepted after 1 p.m. and no chem­i­cal ser­vice appoint­ments after 12 noon.

A full ser­vice salon, the Career Cen­ter Cos­me­tol­ogy Salon offers perms, nails, which include the new gel­ish pol­ish, man­i­cures, pedi­cures, facials, hair color ser­vices, hair­cuts and hair styling.

All ser­vices are per­formed by Four County Career Cen­ter Senior Cos­me­tol­ogy stu­dents under the super­vi­sion of licensed cos­me­tol­o­gists using the newest pro­ce­dures and equip­ment.

Clinic patrons are charged a min­i­mal cost to cover mate­ri­als and supplies.

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