Suicide Attempt Leads To Arrest

Police say a reported sui­cide attempt led to an arrest with felony charges on Tues­day.

It all began accord­ing to police, when 38 yea rold Duane Perez of Pleas­ant Street in Mont­pe­lier, threat­ened to swal­low a whole bot­tle of uniden­ti­fied med­ica­tions.

Offi­cers showed up, and that’s when Perez began kick­ing and throw­ing punches, caus­ing minor injuries to one offi­cer. He was finally taken into cus­tody, treated at Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tals and Well­ness Centers-Montpelier, then taken to the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio on charges of dis­or­derly con­duct, intox­i­ca­tion, and felony assault on a police offi­cer.

Perez was in Bryan Munic­i­pal Court yes­ter­day, when he plead not guilty to dis­or­derly con­duct. His pre­lim­i­nary hear­ing for the other charges hasn’t been sched­uled yet.

As of now, Perez is a free man. He was released on his own recog­ni­zance, but warned that he is not to have any con­tact with police.

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