The Fort Defi­ance Humane Soci­ety is host­ing its 19th annual Monte Carlo Night on April 13 from 7–11:30 p.m. at The Defi­ance Eagles on W. Sec­ond St.

The event is expected to raise approx­i­mately $5,000 to sup­ple­ment the humane society’s gen­eral fund. The shelter’s annual bud­get is $200,000.

Tick­ets may be pur­chased at the door for $10 or in advance for $8 at the shel­ter, Deluxe Clean­ers, Padrone’s Pizza, Law­son Print­ing, Mer­cury Clean­ers, Kissner’s or from any board mem­ber. Per­sons must be at least 18 years old to be admit­ted.

The price of admis­sion includes sand­wiches, veg­eta­bles and dip, a vari­ety of cheeses, chips, desserts, soft drinks and cof­fee. A cash bar will also be open.

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