Area leg­is­la­tors, Defi­ance County offi­cials, and oth­ers met with Arch­bold vil­lage offi­cials to talk about upgrad­ing a Ful­ton County road into a state route.

Local offi­cials want state leg­is­la­tors to con­sider fund­ing a project that would upgrade Ful­ton County Road 24 and pos­si­bly reroute Ohio 66 down the road just west of Arch­bold.

Defi­ance County offi­cials pre­vi­ously had asked that any project be stopped short of enter­ing Defi­ance County.

At the time, offi­cials were wor­ried about increased traf­fic on Domersville Road and safety for the North­east­ern Local school build­ings there.

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