Cat Killing Cop Pleads No Contest. Police Chief Fined And Ordered To Pay Court Costs

Details con­cern­ing accu­sa­tions of ani­mal cru­elty by a local police chief are start­ing to emerge.

The Bryan Times reports that Stryker Police Chief Steve Schlosser has accepted respon­si­bil­ity for a fam­ily pet’s death.

Schlosser pled no con­test to one charge of ani­mal cru­elty and need­lessly killing a com­pan­ion ani­mal in Bryan Munic­i­pal Court.

The offi­cer was fined $500, plus $79 in court costs.

Schlosser admits that he killed four cats and dis­posed of their remains in the Tif­fin River over a five-day period last year. In fact, he admits that from June 2012 to Jan­u­ary of this year, he ordered his offi­cers to do like­wise. Offi­cers say that ten more cats were killed dur­ing that time with a .22-caliber rifle.

Schlosser said he acted in response to mul­ti­ple nui­sance ani­mal com­plaints.

Accord­ing to court doc­u­ments obtained by The Times, Stryker Mayor Dan Hughes ordered Chief Schlosser to stop the cat killing on Jan­u­ary 28th of this year.

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