Full Time Officer May Be Stationed In Defiance

Pend­ing the upcom­ing sub­mis­sion and pos­si­ble approval of a com­pet­i­tive U.S. Depart­ment of Jus­tice grant appli­ca­tion, there could likely be a full time police offi­cer sta­tioned in Defi­ance City Schools.

A grant will be filed to help fund a com­mu­nity resource officer.The grant, if approved, would fund 75 per­cent of the cost. Defi­ance City Schools would pro­vide a 25-percent match, amount­ing to $17,000.

Under the cur­rent pro­gram, a police offi­cer does a walk-through of the district’s three build­ings through­out the day, depend­ing on avail­abil­ity, but there is no set sched­ule.

If the grant is approved and fund­ing is avail­able, an offi­cer will be hired to split his time between the high school, mid­dle school and ele­men­tary buildings.

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