The Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio has launched a new Com­mu­nity Ser­vice Work Pro­gram.

Offi­cials say it’s a test pro­gram. Each mem­ber of the work detail has been con­victed of a non-violent felony and sen­tenced through the Williams County Court of Com­mon Pleas, but they are not prison inmates. They live at home and wear nor­mal clothes. They drive them­selves to Stryker every day to work off 100 hours of com­mu­nity ser­vice in eight-hour shifts, then drive them­selves home.

Prison offi­cials say it’s a money mat­ter. These offend­ers don’t need to be in prison, but they do need to be pun­ished.

The cost to keep an inmate in CCNO is just under $64.00 per day. The new Com­mu­nity Ser­vice Work Pro­gram all but elim­i­nates that expense. The par­tic­i­pants are not paid for their work, other than in credit for pub­lic service.

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