Mont­pe­lier res­i­dents could soon be look­ing at increases in their water and sewer bills.

The Vil­lage Coun­cil held the first read­ing of two ordi­nances to raise the ser­vice charge on both bills at Monday’s meet­ing.

Under the pro­posed ordi­nance, the cost for usage would not rise, but the ser­vice charge would.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the water ser­vice charge would increase from $16 to $17 begin­ning in Jan­u­ary 2014, with a one dol­lar increase every six months until is maxes out at $20. Changes would also be imposed for time lim­its for res­i­dents to find and fix leaks.

The ser­vice charge for sewer ser­vice would increase from $9 to $10.50, effec­tive Nov. 1, then to $12 in July 2014.

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