Jail doors were closed Sat­ur­day to Defi­ance County while pleas went out to area offi­cials as an over­crowd­ing emer­gency was declared at the Cor­rec­tions Cen­ter of North­west Ohio.
The over­all pop­u­la­tion at CCNO peaked to 606 or 95.5 per­cent last Sat­ur­day.
Defi­ance County was shut off as its pop­u­la­tion stood at 65 or 110 per­cent on Sat­ur­day. Defi­ance County has an allo­ca­tion of 60 beds.
The inmate pop­u­la­tion for Williams County stood at 45.3 or 87 per­cent (allo­cated 52 beds.) Henry County’s pop­u­la­tion stood at 30.8 or 86 per­cent (allo­cated 36 beds.) Ful­ton County had a pop­u­la­tion of 32 or 62 per­cent (allo­ca­tion of 52 beds.)
The last over­crowd­ing emer­gency declared at CCNO was on May 18.
CCNO pol­icy allows the exec­u­tive direc­tor to place the facil­ity in an emer­gency sta­tus when the inmate pop­u­la­tion reaches 95 per­cent or 606. In addi­tion, those juris­dic­tions with inmate pop­u­la­tions above 90 per­cent are asked to con­sider grant­ing early releases for eli­gi­ble inmates.

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