Charities Benefit From Estate

In Steuben County, a lot of local char­i­ties will soon reap some finan­cial ben­e­fits.

The estate of Burl and Mary Jane Hall has des­ig­nated over $676,000 to char­i­ta­ble enti­ties in their wills, includ­ing the Steuben County Com­mu­nity Foun­da­tion, Trine Uni­ver­sity, the First Con­gre­ga­tional Church of Angola, the Steuben County Humane Soci­ety, the north­east­ern Masonic Lodge in Fre­mont, and the order of the East­ern Star in Ash­ley and Angola. The Halls des­ig­nated over $84,000 to the Steuben County Can­cer Asso­ci­a­tion endow­ment fund at the Steuben County Com­mu­nity Foun­da­tion includ­ing more than $18,000 to the Friends of the Cir­cle Hill Ceme­tery endow­ment fund.

Burl Hall dies in May of 2013. Mary Jane passed away last October.

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