Seems peo­ple in our area were more giv­ing last year. Reports say that char­i­ta­ble giv­ing is on the rebound nation­ally and right here locally.

Accord­ing to an annual report by the Giv­ing USA Foun­da­tion and Indi­ana University’s Lilly Fam­ily School of Phil­an­thropy, char­i­ta­ble dona­tions nation­ally were up 3.5 per­cent in 2012.

Sev­eral area United Ways have seen their cam­paign dona­tions increase.

The 2012–13 cam­paign for the United Way of Defi­ance County raised nearly $298,000… $8,000 more than the pre­vi­ous year’s cam­paign.

In Pauld­ing County, the 2012–13 cam­paign raised a lit­tle more than $60,000… $6,000 more than the year before.

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